Bringing Local Farmers
Right To Your Table
We Are
Unearth Your Local Source for Farm Fresh FoodWhy small towns? Skip has an affinity for places that are off the beaten path and believes in supporting and growing Fruita and other western communities by providing healthy food.
Our Vendors Are Our Valued Partners
Want to learn more about who we partner with? Visit our partners page to learn more.
Why Buy Local?
There are so many reasons that buying local first is important to us. A huge part of the work we do is not in just purchasing and selling local food, it is about educating our customers on why we value the idea so much. We are living in a time where globalization and big agriculture are big business. Many of us feel a void, a lack of connection to something, but we just can’t seem to put a finger on what it is. Being social creatures, at the heart of who we are, is the deep yearning for connecting to one another, the land, our community and in turn our food. If this piques your interest, read our Top 10 Reasons to Buy Local list.