COVID Policies
To Prioritize The Safety Of Our CommunityAll of our locations remain Open. You can still come in the stores to shop, or we have curbside pick-up available (call or email the store in advance). Currently we do not have a way to shop online or for you to see what is in the store, but you can call and talk to the staff.
In order to keep you and our employees healthy, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Practice social distancing, even while shopping. Stay 6ft. apart from other people.
- All people entering the store must wear a face mask including staff and customers. Children 10 years of age or younger are not required to wear a face mask. If you cannot medically tolerate a face mask, you may call in your order for curbside pick up.
- Do not shop in family/friend groups when possible. Send in one person at a time. This will be monitored by store staff.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at or near the counter; please use it.
- Refrain from touching your face.
- Try your best to only touch items you plan on purchasing.
- Be kind to others, including staff.
- Practice patience.
- Be mindful of what you say to others.
- Please pay by credit card or phone pay when possible.
- Do not hesitate to ask for help should you need it.
Should staff feel the stores are too crowded at any time, we reserve the right to ask some customers to wait to come into the store. Each of our locations has set guidelines from the state of Colorado on how many people, including staff can be in the store at a time.
We would like to thank you for shopping with us! Our entire staff has been working tirelessly to ensure you will have healthy food options available in your community.